iSON Xperiences reaches ISO 45001:2018 Safety Certificate across Tanzania and South Africa

We’re proud to announce that ISON Xperiences has achieved ISO 45001:2018 certification on Occupational Health & Safety Management System. This certificate is testimony of our commitment to maintain a safe and healthy work environment for our employees, clients, visitors and stakeholders. We remain committed to ensuring that safety remains an integral part of our business processes to create a sustainable, secure and thriving work environments

Global Recognition: The ISO 45001:2018 certification is widely acknowledged and respected, particularly in the global markets, with a strong reputation in European markets. This achievement elevates iSON Xperiences to a new level of credibility and recognition on the international stage.

Industry Leadership: With this certification, we proudly stand alongside industry leaders who prioritize the well-being and safety of their workforce.

Comprehensive Scope: Our ISO 45001:2018 certification not only covers our operations in Tanzania but extends its scope to all our South African sites.

Competitive Edge: Achieving this certification gives us a competitive edge by showcasing our adherence to internationally recognized best practices in occupational health and safety.

This accomplishment wouldn’t be possible without the hard work and dedication of every team member. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all employees for their contribution to this success.
Let’s continue to champion a culture of well-being and continuous improvement, together.

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