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Strategies of building value
for customer retention

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Customer service in the digital age. Do we still need human interaction?

We at iSON Xperiences believe human interactions will always be vital to any customer service strategy. While new-age technology is a great first line of defence for any customer service situation, it should not be the only strategy, as that can leave customers feeling disconnected from your brand.

Marketers today face the challenge of trying to engage with consumers in a digital-first environment that rewards short attention spans. Building a loyal following in today’s omnichannel climate requires that brands understand what their consumer wants and successfully harness the right platforms to connect with them.

A Changing World

The global health crisis had a significant impact on the way organisations communicate with their customers. While digital channels have been used more than ever due to lockdowns, quite a few consumers are craving human connection or struggling with seemingly complex touchpoints. The uncertain times we now live in have brought empathy and trust to the fore again. While increasing digital touchpoints may save time on customer service, and decision making, it cannot replace a highly-skilled, knowledgeable agent.

All relationships are built on emotions, and those between customers and brands are no different. A crisis tends to test the strengths and weaknesses of a relationship. And during such times, customers are on the lookout for genuine relationships with brands they resonate with well. Maintaining this human connection can be seen as a great opportunity to build trust.

Customer Service is Human

When customers face hurdles that make them anxious, they need assurance of their issue being resolved instead of getting a text-driven, pre-recorded response. Even from a business viewpoint, the most profitable customers we see across many industries — wireless, banking, retailing, for example — are usually multi-channel customers.

At iSON Xperiences, our expert customer service professionals are trained to handle customer service interactions from before, during, and post the sales transactions. We believe that excellent customer service means not only helping customers efficiently but also in a friendly way. An exceptional customer experience is what will set your business apart. Contact us today to learn how our team of dedicated professionals can assist your company.

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iSON Xperiences

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