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Strategies of building value
for customer retention

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Code of Conduct

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Code of Conduct

People mean everything to us; we strive to delight with everything that we do. We will only be the best when we give our best. By thinking about tomorrow, we bring greatness to today. When we connect our communities, we create a better world for all.

Our Code of Conduct is a public declaration of how we do business and clarifies expectations from ourselves and those we work with as key stakeholders. It also sets the framework for implementation of our corporate policies, guidelines, and procedures.

Many of the policies referred to in our Code of Conduct are available for further consultation on the company’s intranet. If you feel there is a conflict between our Code of Conduct and any corporate policies, guidelines, or procedures, you should comply with the most restrictive requirement or seek clarification from your Compliance manager. In ISON, we subscribe to doing business fairly and ethically. Therefore, in our day-to-day business activities, we commit to:

Uphold the highest levels of personal conduct at all times
Integrity and ethical conduct are pivotal in the way we do business. The provisions of the Code of Conduct reflect the values of our company and affirm the company’s commitment to the highest standards of integrity and ethics in the conduct of our business. We demand the same high standards from our business partners and consider whether a prospective partner’s values align with our own when making contracting and supplier decisions.
As ISON employees we must avoid situations where personal interests conflict, or even appear to conflict, with the interests of the company such as refraining from giving or receiving gifts and hospitality that may be construed as bribery.
ISON strives to keep a safe work environment by protecting the health, safety and wellbeing of our customers, employees, partners and the communities we operate in at large. We have a zero-tolerance approach towards sexual harassment, involvement with drugs, modern slavery, human trafficking, child labour and forced labour and expect the same from our business partners.
As an equal opportunity employer, ISON treats all employees fairly and we will conduct our business in a way which respects human rights.

Protect assets and financial integrity of the company
The protection & efficient use of company assets is the joint responsibility of all ISON employees. Company assets include data, computers, phones and data centres. Any involvement in dishonest financial reporting and accounting of ISON or any third party may not only entail disciplinary sanctions but also result in criminal charges.

Respect the laws of the land
ISON employees are required to comply with the laws and regulations of the countries in which we operate. However, as a multinational organization, we acknowledge that this Code of Conduct cannot adequately cover every aspect of ethical behaviour across every geography where we do business.
We therefore call on employees to exercise ethical judgment or consult your compliance manager and always act in compliance with applicable laws when confronted with specific situations that are not explicitly covered in this Code of Conduct.
Where this Code of Conduct conflicts with local law or regulation, the more stringent recommendation should be applied. The company is committed to the principle of free enterprise and seeks to compete fairly.
The company and our employees adhere to laws and regulations which are designed to ensure effective competition.
Any employee in possession of information is prohibited from using the information for personal gains or divulging the same to a third party. In line with our commitment to doing business with integrity, we exercise a zero-tolerance approach towards bribery and corruption. We denounce any/all forms of money laundering, tax evasion and helping others to evade tax and will always assist in any investigations to detect and penalize any money laundering activities or tax evasion.

Uphold respect in dealing with external partners
In our business dealings we expect our partners to adhere to business values and principles consistent with our own. As part of our values, we respect the communities with whom we do business and we engage with them in ethical and meaningful ways.
ISON does not get politically involved or make donations to groups whose activities are of a political nature. However, we will promote and defend our legitimate business interests by co- operating with governments and other organizations, both directly and through third parties, in the development of proposed legislation and other regulations which may affect our legitimate business interests.
The views of the company will from time to time be solicited by the public, media, investor groups and analysts, on certain issues. We strongly discourage employees from speaking or writing on behalf of the company unless authorized to do so. Any solicitation of opinion must be directed to our company website or to the persons authorized to speak on behalf of the company.

If you have an questions or concerns about this Data Privacy Policy you can contact us at [email protected]


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