Customer Experience Management

Customer Retention and Value Management


Keep them Coming Back for More

Do you want to achieve reduced Call per Customer (CPC), improved Answer Level (AL), minimized Average Hold Time (AHT) and accelerated Turn Around Time (TAT) to optimise your Net Promoter Score(NPS) and Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)?

News and insights

Say hAI to ISON
February 7, 2025
Celebration our Success at the Nedbank Annual Partnership Awards 2023-2024
October 29, 2024

leveraging insights and metrics

We continuously improve your customer’s journey

  • Design your complaints handling solutions to put things right, first time and on time with our tried and tested First Call Resolution (FCR) techniques
  • Track, analyse and respond to customer sentiments and anomalies to continuously improve your offerings
  • Configure alerts on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to expedite action
  • Craft solutions for the problems evidenced, to remedy and prevent the same in the future
  • Orchestrate innovative customer experiences to win over customer’s hearts and minds

These techniques and measures in turn will:

  • Prevent churn
  • Improve lifetime value (LTV)
  • Generate new leads
  • Create new value propositions for your existing customers


iSON Xperiences Case Studies

Review our case studies, showcasing our innovative, data-driven strategiesthat have transformed customer experiences into success stories.


Designing your CX strategy for continuous improvement


Delivering a CX suite that wins business and builds loyalty

We integrate our Contact Centre, infrastructure,
and technology to:

  • Prioritise, initiate, and activate data collection and insights aligned with your business and customer objectives.
  • Execute campaigns and manage daily customer conversations.
  • Reduce CPC, increase FCR, improve AL and SL scores, eliminate NVAs, accelerate TAT, minimise AHT, and boost CSAT scores.

Deploy new technology and transform your digital strategy for a seamless customer experience, including:

  • Reducing average handling time without increasing IVR wait time or compromising service quality.
  • Offering asynchronous communication channels for continuous conversations across platforms.
  • Using rich messaging with video, images, and audio to enhance brand presence in customer interactions.


Customer Relationship Management

Choose iSON for CRM services to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty with our expert solutions. Transform your customer relationships with us.


How do you get more customers to stick around with maximum reach, agile acquisition, conclusive conversion, resilient retention and lasting loyalty?


Offering asynchronous communication channels for seamless and savvy customer engagement…

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Send us an email or a message via our form.

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